Our values

Pan African Broadcasting Corporation

Our values

Our societal Values are Key to our Approach and Delivery – these include

o Integrity
o Accountability
o Collective Responsibility
o Sustainability
o Dignity
o Respect
o Education
o Honesty
o Fairness
o Truth
o Justice
o Equality without discrimination of any group, age, gender, nationality, religion, political affiliations, etc
o Maximising benefits for all
o Quality of life improvements
o Safeguarding the vulnerable
o Value and quality of our services to our audience
o Our information, where good evidence is available, e.g. health, will be the best evidence based available or published to prevent any promotion of ‘fake news’ and personality based only anecdotal information of dubious value and potentially significant harms
NZ Pan African Broadcasting Corporation Charitable Trust
How Do We Do This – Our Strategy in Practice

● To help unleash, unify and promote the power, cultures, talents and skills of all people from and in Africa

● We will do this with our broadcasting team interacting with our audience using and sharing constructive stories, experiences, challenges, love, ideas, feedback, music and positive information

Through this process we aim to be a significant catalyst for change towards more harmony, prosperity and peace at individual, community and nation levels.

Our media platforms will draw largely, but not solely on the wealth of African music and ideas we already have within Africa but we are always open and willing to share music and other new ideas from outside Africa which may not only be beneficial for Africa but also help those outside Africa better understand us.

With fun, in-depth discussions, presentations on relevant topics and of course the medium of our rich music – we aim to truly connect with our audience by inspiring them and lifting all of our collective aspirations for a better nation and world – always through the underlying values noted above.

Our listener numbers and feedback will be our guide of connectedness, sense of community and success.

“United Together We Learn, Stand and Grow”

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members”

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about”

“A nation’s strength is found in the character of its people”

“We are a nation of differences, we must make these a source of our strength”

“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home”

“We need to rekindle those values, those strengths as a continent and as one people with one voice… And we must do so as one people with one goal”